Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Each year the basement gets tansformed into and amazing, magical art show, where tons of students' artwork is displayed. Artwork is displayed everywhere, lights are shining, movies are playing, etc. The basement of Mary Ward doesn't look like a basement anymore! I love seeing the talent of everybody, and I love looking at all of the art. It was great to see people's different personnalities and ideas come through in their art, and the creativeness of all of the art students.

The senior video students had some great videos, and the dresses the grade 11 fashion students made were amazing! I wish I could've bought them all. My favourite part of the art show however, was the junior theatre with all of the 'I Am' videos. It was great to see what my classmates had come up with. I loved working on my video. We shot a bunchof scenes, and putting them together in the right order with music was definately time consuming. It all paid off though, when I saw my video in the theatre. It looked so great up on that projector!

Congrats on another great artshow!

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